

Requirements: Before you start installing BlueberryC, please make sure you have a running Raspberry Pi with an up-to-date raspbian image. More hints on that are below.

The installation procedure is an automated process. Just follow the 4 steps below which prepare your Raspberry Pi.

Step 1: Connect to the Pi

To start installation we open a terminal via SSH to the Raspberry Pi or connect directly with monitor, mouse and keyboard.

Step 2: type one single command

curl | bash -s

This command starts downloading all packages and installs BlueberryC IDE.

Step 3: Wait ...

The process may take a few minutes until finsished. Please wait until you see the following output

--- install plugins
downloading plugins ... 
download done
extracting ...
moving files
enabling SPI driver...
--- install plugins - done

install finished - start a browser and type

Step 4: Have Fun

Use a browser and connect to




You need a ready running Raspberry Pi to install BlueberryC. There are many instructions and how-to pages out there. Beginning with the correct SD-Card and how-to burn the image with windows, mac or linux on the card and finally start the Raspberry. So there is no repition but links for further readings here.

Please make sure you are using raspbian.
We suggest: 2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian